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5 Tips to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
It's that time of year again...for New Year's resolutions. Let's be honest - everyone makes big resolutions for themselves on January 1st, but seldom are they brought to fruition. According to...
Herbs for Women
No matter what stage of womanhood you're in, chances are there is some herbal remedy that can help you deal with a nagging discomfort or injury, protect you from illness, or, maybe, make you feel a...
Meet Your Microbiome
Next time you put a fork of food in your mouth, consider its effects on the trillions of beneficial bacteria that call your body home. These bacteria outnumber your human cells 10 to 1, and they have...
Take Time for Healing Herbal Tea
This fall, use your tea breaks to bolster immunity! Herbal teas can have a beneficial impact on both acute and chronic health problems. Studies indicate drinking tea may have a profound effect on...
Why Sleep Is So Important
Habitually being short on sleep significantly increases the risk of stroke among normal-weight adults. More than 5,000 people with no history of stroke participated in a three-year study. Results...
Plaid Is the New Black
As the holiday season gets into full swing, we are forced to deal with the stresses of finding our loved ones something unique, special, and affordable. This task may seem daunting at first, but...
Exercise Tips for People with Fibromyalgia
We all know how important exercise is for health. However, for those suffering with the disabling pain of fibromyalgia, exercise can actually set you back. "Because of the energy crisis that occurs...
Asthma Triggers and Remedies
If you have asthma, you probably have allergies too.
Ignite Your Fat Burning Torch With Smart Fats and Supplements
Most of you are probably familiar with hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone and thyroid. But I'll bet you've never considered one of the most important fat...
The Power of Probiotics
Most of these bacteria--known as probiotics--play positive roles in digesting food and fighting off illnesses, and a healthy person has billions if not trillions of them in their digestive tract...
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